November 2013 Content

November is the month I’m pulling together the details for my Cruise into History blog, as well as organizing other writing type content for upcoming months. I’m  also going to use the month to set the scene for the cruise by describing the ship, the hotels, the ports of call and why I decided on this particular cruise. Since I took over 5,000 pictures, I’ll also be posting photos because I have way more than what I need for the posts.

Since this is an exploratory month, I won’t be posting on a regular schedule as I hope to be doing once in later months. I’ll also be working on the website redesign and getting used to the workings of the new template.

The home page shows excerpts from my most recent posts. If you want to read the full post just click on the continue button. If you want to explore the site in more detail, click on “Topics” at the top of the page or chose one of the menu items in the left side bar.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you will come again.