May is a busy month. Recipe For Trouble made it through to the quarter-final round in the ABNA competition. This means that it now has a page at, so I have been letting people know that the pitch and excerpt are now available. I’ve set up a tiny url for the page to make it easier to find.
Pretender’s Games is now available through in Kindle and paperback format. It’s great to have some of my backlist titles available again.
In April I went back to BC for a visit and reconnected with family, friends and writing buddies. It was a wonderful visit and except for a couple of days, the weather was tremendous.
While there I thought about my historical time travel, Ridgeway. I decided I needed to revise the opening chapters so readers could jump right into the action. My big project for May is to revise the opening, before I review the whole manuscript before sending it off to an editor.
I’ll be blogging on ‘inspiration’ May 22 at Lachesis is the publisher of my time travel novel, Fighting Fate. Please come by for a visit.
The home page shows excerpts from my most recent posts. If you want to read the full post just click on the continue button. If you want to explore the site in more detail, click on “Topics” at the top of the page or chose one of the menu items in the left side bar.
Thanks for visiting and I hope you will come again.